
刪除無法刪除的檔案-Unlocker,有些檔案在刪除的時候,因為被檔案總管或其他應用程式給鎖定了,所以無法順利刪除,這個工具可以幫助你解除鎖定,甚至手動刪除病毒及 ...,UnlockerisafreeapplicationdesignedtohelpyouunlockanddeletefilesthatyourWindowsdevicerefusestoremove.It'salsousefulinkillingdifferent ...,ThiscanunlocktheInstallbuttonlockedwheninstallanappfromtheapkfile.,Unlockerhelpsdeletelockedfileswith...

Unlocker 1.9.2 中文版(免安裝英文版)

刪除無法刪除的檔案- Unlocker,有些檔案在刪除的時候,因為被檔案總管或其他應用程式給鎖定了,所以無法順利刪除,這個工具可以幫助你解除鎖定,甚至手動刪除病毒及 ...


Unlocker is a free application designed to help you unlock and delete files that your Windows device refuses to remove. It's also useful in killing different ...

Install Button Unlocker

This can unlock the Install button locked when install an app from the apk file.

Download Unlocker

Unlocker helps delete locked files with error messages including cannot delete file, and access is denied. Video tutorial available.

Download Unlocker 1.9.2 for Windows

Download the latest version of Unlocker for Windows. Delete in-use, locked, or protected files. Unlocker is a program that allows you to delete any file or.


2023年11月7日 — 2.3 Linux · unlock - apply patches to VMware · relock - remove patches from VMware · check - check the patch status of your VMware installation ...

Tenorshare Android Phone Unlocker

2023年8月31日 — Tips: Tenorshare Android Phone Unlocker requires elevated permissions to install and run. 閱讀較多資訊 ...

IObit Unlocker 1.3 免安裝中文版

刪除被Windows鎖住的檔案- IObit Unlocker,有些檔案或資料夾要刪除或移動的時候,會因為被檔案總管或者其他程式鎖定而動彈不得,這時就可以用此工具 ...

Unlocker for Windows

Unlocker is a program that allows you to delete any file or folder on your computer, even if it is locked or protected for any reason. Once you install this ...

IObit Unlocker

Simpler Way to Manage Files. Once you find “cannot delete files”, just simply drag or drop them to IObit Unlocker. Then you can quickly unlock, rename, copy ...